Function Introduction

Digital Translate 采用应用 + 小程序 方式架构,结合精确、模糊批量查找-修改-比对多文件 & 多工程并行快速翻译开发理念,精炼了一些现有成熟技术,经多年努力 自主创新 研发而成。

The latest version is based on the Google Chromium browser core (supports HTTP HTTPS protocol) and Qt5.14 GUI (graphical user interface) framework C/C++ language development, and Python 3.6.8 is used as a script-plugin programming language.

主要针对 Qt C/C++ 框架 *.TS *.QM 文件和各种 GUI 标准本地化资源,及 HTML4 HTML5 文档翻译流程进行优化。


同时还对 Python2 Python3 PyQt4 PyQt5 PyQt5 PySide1 PySide2 PySide6 HTML4 HTML5 Bootstrap3 Bootstrap4 Cython Qt4 Qt5 Qt6 C/C++ 等代码开发流程进行了一些优化。

可快速编写-批量重构纯文本 副文本,及 Python Cython PySide PyQt Qt C/C++ Go Erlang D C# Go Java Ruby Lua Tcl/Tk Perl PHP ASP HTML4 HTML5 Markdown Bootstrap CSS JavaScript and other programming language source code.


Applications and applets are 绿色便携版 (Need to unzip after download), out of the box, no need to install separately.

Default is dark black (to protect eyesight) and a fully flat appearance, of course, it can also be switched to other theme colors; All applets will countdown exit automatically when there is no important operation.

在力求通用、简单、易上手前提下,降低程序员编写-重构各种编程语言代码、翻译员翻译 UI 文档的时间消耗成本,大幅提高生产效率。

经测试,代码批量重构效率比一般 IDE 要高 10 - 100 倍,翻译效率可提高 5 - 10 倍。


Click the switch button in the upper right corner to switch between WEB rendering and source code representation. I.e. One-click switching for WYSIWYG Web page development.

The large cancel and close buttons in the lower right corner of the window have the same function as the small x close buttons in the upper right corner.

尽可能不展示或预设过多参数 (参数多,也不能说明这些功能就都会被用到),或将某些不常用参数预先隐藏。

All menus can be torn off, convenient to call its functions at any time; The tabs in the main window can also be torn off, making it easy to compare the contents of other tabs at any time.


When are too busy and want to multi-task, can use the TTS (text-to-speech) applet to read web pages, technical information, the latest news, etc.

By default, this voice assistant can read webpage text, file content, select characters, clipboard text, and so on. Unknown or unfamiliar Chinese, English and various characters can be handed over to the voice assistant.


一个集 GUI 文档人工机器翻译工具,一个功能强大的编程语言代码文本编辑器,还是一个所见即所得的 HTML Bootstrap 开发环境,也是一个 Web 浏览器。

1 + 1> 3 and more flexible, give full play to CPU RAM performance, save hard disk storage space, reduce non-human annoyance caused by constantly switching applications, and waste of time-hardware cost.

Main Feature


Which are integrated specifically, subject to actual release.

for example: 文件版本、 文件空格、 文件字符提取、 文件行重复、 系统计算器、 简转繁、 全文搜索、 全文搜索-多、 全文搜索-文本、 文件搜索、 文件拷贝、 文件合并、 文件克隆、 文件移动、 文件重命名、 文件序列重命名、 定时关机、 语音助理 (TTS 文本)、 全文替换、 全文替换-多、 全文替换-文本、 全文插入-文本、 全文删除-文本、 Qt TS 文件-提取、 Qt TS 文件-编排、 Qt TS 文件-发布、 翻译 UI、 翻译文件、 文件下载、等等。


Version Management

勾选执行对话框文件版本选项,可在批处理的同时进行自动本地化文件版本管理 (区别于远程版本管理工具 git)。

采用文件版本小程序,为 Python 文件预先批量插入的版本代码格式为 __version__ = " build 20140923.120101"

采用文件版本小程序,为 HTML 文件预先批量插入的版本代码格式为 <!-- version " build 20140923.120101" -->

为 C 文件预先手动插入的版本代码格式为 char *__version__ = " build 20140923.120101";

为 JSON 文件预先手动插入的版本代码格式为 __version__ = " build 20140923.120101"


HTML 翻译流程

打开本地 HTML 文档 --> 切换到文本视图模式 --> 找到要翻译源代码 --> 翻译源代码 --> 查看翻译结果


GUI 翻译流程

从 .PY .PYW 文件提取 en-US.ts 文件 --> 合并所有 en-US.ts 文件 --> 克隆 en-US.ts 获得 en-US.ts 多语言文件 --> 编排整理 en-US.ts 和 en-US.ts 文件 -->

从 en-US.ts 文件提取翻译字符 .DSCP 文件 --> 剔除 .DSCP 文件重复项 --> 采用已有术语库预翻译 .DSCP 文件 --> 人工翻译 .DSCP 文件未翻译增量术语 -->

以 .DSCP 文件术语翻译 en-US.ts 文件 --> 克隆 en-US.ts 获得 zh-TW.ts 多语言文件 --> 简转繁 zh-TW.ts 多语言文件 --> 发布 en-US.qm en-US.qm zh-TW.qm 本地化文件 --> 启动应用,查看翻译结果


General Feature

Python Cython PyInstaller

RUN, SHELL TAB supports running, debugging and interaction with source code of Python PyQt PySide and other programming languages.

CMD tab supports Python PyQt PySide Cython C/C++ and other programming language source code running, debugging and release.

(VS 2008) VCINSTALLDIR = D:/MSVC/Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0/VC/

(VS 2015) VCINSTALLDIR = D:/MSVC/Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0/VC/

As shown above, using the "key = value" form, temporarily enter environment variables in the CMD configuration dialog, by calling the vcvarsall.bat batch file, automatically configure the VC++ source code compilation environment by used default.

CMD tab integration supports Cython to convert Python code into *.pyd files. CMD tab supports the use of Pyinstaller to distribute and package Python source code into executable *.exe files (executable files can also be encrypted).

Put the Python interpreter and its script directory, C/C++ source code compiler connection SWIG installation directory, C/C++ cross-platform build source code CMake installation directory, compile the C/C++ source code libclang installation directory, custom APP development project directory, etc., temporarily added to the PATH variable in the CMD configuration dialog, can also get more functional extensions.

Download Center can download Python2.x 3.x green extension version (after decompression, it can be used in conjunction with the Happy Digits Software APP, add the location of the Python.exe file to the RUN SHELL CMD configuration dialog), can write-debug applications, Web, AI (artificial intelligence), blockchain, big data, Web crawler and other Python applications.

Multi-thread + Multi-process

Use application + applet architecture, isolate applications and applet processes completely. Applications and applets run in different process environments, under the premise of taking into account multi-function, use multiple threads and multiple processes whenever possible, give full play to multi-core CPU performance.

High speed mode applet will smart invoked the CPU threads according to working conditions (calling all threads up to 100% CPU resources). The more CPU cores and threads, the faster the high-speed mode applet runs.

Character Completion

When the dialog box for completing characters pops up, pressing the Tab key on the keyboard will automatically complete the characters.

Python, HTML, CPP, SHELL tab has character completion function.

CMD tab supports character completion for commonly used DOS commands.

Code Navigate

By default, the precise line positioning navigation function of universal text is integrated.

Python, HTML tab integrates the keyword positioning and navigation function on the right sidebar.

Formatting HTML

Support one-key quick formatting of disordered HTML source code, and secondary collation content of a paragraph.

Unified Entrance

In addition to new files, the main entrance of other functions is unified into the file URL keyword dialog.

Fuctions include: Open File, Open Directory, Open Local-Remote Webpage, Search Internet Keywords, and so on.

Run Debug, Shell

Support Python code running, debugging and interactive shell functions.

Preferences window can switch the standard & debugging GUI (graphical user interface) mode with one click, which is convenient for writing debugging plug-in, script.


The default comes with switchable en-US American English zh-CN Simplified Chinese zh-TW Traditional Chinese GUI (Graphical User Interface), other languages can be expanded by themselves.

Localized language folder is named i18n, the en-US.ts file contains US English localized sources, with Digital Translate localization tool clones, translates and generates a *.qm file (this file will be automatically loaded when the APP is started for localization).

Edit menu --> Preferences window --> User interface --> User interface language --> After restarting the APP, can see the corresponding extended language here (For example: ja-JP means Japanese-Japan, ru-RU means Russian-Russia) --> Click the apply button --> Restart APP to take effect localization